Born 1926 of parents who had immigrated from Poland
Married 1954 to Sheila. 3 Children (one deceased). 2 grandchildren.
Studied law during and after WWII. Qualified in 1951
Served 2 years in the army 1946 -1948
Opened law practice as sole practitioner 1952. Merged with others as Senior Partner 1971-1995.
Acknowleged by President of Law Society for 60 years on the Solicitors Roll (2011)
Jewish World
Member Jewish National Fund , Bnai B'rith , Norwood , various synagogues.
Served on the Board of Deputies of British Jews for over 50 years.
Chaired its Defence Committee and served as Senior Vice President (1990-1996)
Led study tours of Israel (with Arieh Handler).
Led British Jewish delegation to Toledo, Spain in 1992 to mark 500 years
since expulsion of Jews.
Founding member of the Commonwealth Jewish Council
Member of the Council of Christians and Jews - addressed many meetings
Only Jewish trustee of the Hyde (Christian) Trust in Barnet, Herts.
Co-founder (with Pranlal Sheth) of the Indian Jewish Association and served as its President
Fellow, Founder & Deputy Chair, British Caribbean Association (1958 to date)
Received award from French Moslem organisation for interfaith work
Joint Patron (with the Archbishop of Canterbury) of the New Assembly of Churches, representing 250,000 Christians in the UK
By invitation has given many sermons in Churches and Synagogues.
First Jewish Commissioner at the Commission for Racial Equality (1991 - 1995). Deputy Chairman (1995) and Chaired its Legal
Committee (1993 - 1995). Addressed similar bodies in the USA.
Set up and chaired the Jewish Working Group on the Environment
Addressed environmental meetings in the UK as spokesman for Jewish community
Contributor and editor Judaism and Ecology (1992). First book ever written on the subject
Contributed to the World Encyclopaedia of Global Environmental Change Volume 5 Judaism and the Environment
Patron of the Noah Project
Member of the Jewish National Fund
Addressed the Joint Conservation Committee in Parliament
Human Rights
As a lawyer involved in human rights cases
Member of Law Society's Committee on human rights
Founder Member and Treasurer of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (1990 - 2003), addressed meetings, wrote articles.
Co-director for 12 years.
Senior Partner 25 years, London Solicitors, later Consultant
Involved in many prominent cases including first kidnapping case in the UK
Advised various overseas Governments, Prime Ministers ahd High Commissioners in the UK
Set up Duty Solicitor Scheme in North West London Court, attended as solicitor
Member, International Bar Association, Commonwealth Lawyers Association, addressed both bodies UK and abroad
Legal Advisor to the Commonwealth Institute
Member of Commonwealth Law Association - presented lectures
Advocate Scarman Tribunal
Wrote account of main cases and experiences in Brief Encounters of a Legal Kind (1997)
Advisor to Lottery campaign leading to establishment of National Lottery
President - Royal British Nurses Association (founded 1887, world's first nurses association)
Patron - Jewish Association of Spiritual Healers
Patron - Cherry Lodge Cancer Information & Resource Centre based in Barnet, Herts.
See this website for all books written by Aubrey Rose
OBE from Barbados Government, 1986
CBE from British Government, 1997
Freeman of the City of London 1965
Honorary Doctorate from London Metropolitan University (D.Univ), 2000
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Special Award Trinidad & Tobago Association
Other Offices
President - The Barnet Society
Founder and Trustee - Project Fullemploy
Director - Two Worlds Publishing Co. Ltd
Gardening, walking, reading, writing, giving talks and presentations (over 250 to date), playing bridge, flower arranging,
singing (untrained), humour, especially Jewish, sports (where possible), travelling.
A Memoir of the Old East End, May 1990
Aubrey Rose describes his memories of childhood in the East End of London. He builds up a vivid picture of what life was like there in the late 1920s and 1930s; playing football and cricket in the street, the big family Sabbath gatherings, the sounds of his father working at his sewing machine at night in the next room, visits to the Yiddish theatre, being sent to buy milk straight from the cow at the nearby Welsh dairy and the antics he got up to with his friends.
You can read it here: A Memoir of the Old East End or in person at The Jewish Museum, London
Description of Jewish family life and work in the East End of London
A 90 minute interview with David Jacobs circa 1978. Available for listening at The British Library
Memoir of the Old East End & Building Bridges
Aubrey writes about the early years growing up in Stepney in p.223 - 242 of Jewish Memories of the Twentieth Century by Members of the North-Western Reform Synagogue, London (2003). His late wife Sheila also tells her story (p246 - 250). There are 70 other short autobiographies.
The Mayor & The Book and Israel Today
These two articles were included within the Journal of the '45 Aid Society Issue 34, 2010, pages 54 - 57. Read them at Aubrey's Articles
Crime - An Assault on Human Rights
This chapter (page 249 - 286) is included within For The Sake of Humanity - Essays in honour of Clemens N Nathan by Alan Stephens and Raphael Walden (2006)
Forword to the new edition of Voices in the Dark - My Life as a Medium by Leslie Flint
You can read Aubrey's foreword by clicking this link: Foreword to Voices in the Dark
Spiritual Healing: The Untold Story.
Spiritual Healing: The Untold Story is a film that explores the reality of spiritual healing. Aubrey appears in this film. See
Portrait of Aubrey by the artist Betti Franceschi
You can view this here: Portrait of Aubrey
Inside Story - Monkenholt
The house Aubrey used to live in and the article written about it when he lived there in 2000. Monkenholt - Daily Telegraph
Recognition For Hospice Movement Founder
Aubrey campaigns for Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the hospice movement and former resident of Monkenholt, to be awarded a blue plaque. Blue Plaque Campaign
Sea Olympics
Aubrey talks to a journalist about his first published children's book at Interview with Rosy Moorhead
I Can Heal With My Hands
Interview with Jewish Chronicle reporter Naomi Firsht at I Can Heal With My Hands
A Lawyer's Experience of Healing (A Past History)
Talk by Aubrey at The Enfield Centre for Natural Health. Watch on Youtube